
Sin Sentido...

Quisiera volver a escribirte y así sentirte una vez más aquí...

Lo pienso, mientras acaricio el ayer, suspiro pensando que estarás bien en otro lugar


Aun no he podido dejar de pensar...

de recordar...de volver a sentir...

Ahora el piso es más limpio que ayer...

Y para no seguir en el mismo lugar, decidí meterte en una pequeña caja y guardarte en un lugar especial ... muy cerca del corazón...

Comienzo a sentirme mejor...

En verdad espero que te encuentres bien donde quiera que estés...


Wait For Me...

Wait For Me is Moby's new album.

I've just listened to it once...and I consider it one of Moby's best records...
If you have nothing to do this weekend, you can go and buy it...listen to it...& relax...
My weekend?? Going to the cinema, havin' coffee, maybe visiting Robert after his eyes operation...having my aunts at home...going to my brother's football match & of course...still having school...boring...

Enjoy your weekend!!!


Wedding bells...

Will: Uh, Grace, are you in there? I hope you're not doing--anything crazy.

Grace: Hi. What do you think?

Will: You look beautiful.

Grace: Really? I think it needs to be taken in.

Will: Yeah. Honey, I think maybe you need to be taken in. Sweetie, look-- Look at me. You're not getting married.

Grace: I know. I'm never going to wear one of these things, am I?

Will: Sweetie. You're a beautiful, intelligent woman, and somewhere out--

Grace: Don't give me the stock, best friend response. Be honest. This may never happen for me.
Will: You know what? It--It may not.

Grace: Thank you for telling me the truth.

Will: You're welcome.

Grace: Damn, that was harsh. What were you thinking?

Will: What? But-- You just ask me to--

Grace: I don't care. You know me better than that. The next time I ask you to tell me the truth, you give me the stock best friend response.

Will: Ok. You're beautiful, you're going to meet a doctor tomorrow, and you'll be married by the weekend.

Grace: Thank you.

Yesterday, while I was on my way home I passed by a bakery and felt like having a delicious piece of bread…I got in…the lady at the shop is very kind and loves making conversation with everybody…

So there was I, when suddenly she asked me if I’d like to get married. “Yes” I nodded… ‘Do you have a b-friend?’ ‘Yes’ ‘Where does he live?’ ‘In Canada, but he’s a Filipino guy’ ‘Would you like to marry him?’ ‘I think so…I haven’t though about it actually’ ‘Does he want to marry you?’ ‘I suppose, but again, we haven’t talked about it’….

The small talk was weird, she asked me things I had no answers for…some years ago I would not even consider to have a partner…wouldn’t imagine myself wearing a wedding dress…but now…I think that one part of me really desires to be a beautiful bride…and get married in a small but gorgeous church…

But who knows…if I don’t get marry, then I’ll travel around the world…


Sin nombre...

Era cerca de la media noche, y aquella estrella a la que le había dedicado un momento de mi vida había desaparecido del cielo, y con ella, distintos sentimientos.

¿Qué si volverá a pensar? Tal vez, no lo dudo, aunque mi ingenuo pensamiento da vueltas en si mismo, tambaleándose en letras aun más extrañas para sí.

Separada de lo que soy, lo que era, y lo que ciegamente intento ser. Sin importar ocasiones, recuerdos ni malintencionadas palabras...

Ha pasado mucho tiempo, más del que pudieras pensar...mientras abrazaba la almohada y juraba en mi mente que no volvería a suceder.

Todo comienza a ser igual, como si nunca hubiera pasado, sólo necesito tiempo...


Currently listening to Björk

I've learnt many good things from my friend Robert, and he's a huge fan of this woman...

I like some of her songs...& lately I've been listening to her music more..and more...

This is my favorite song: Innocence...

And this is my favorite part of the song:

When I once was
Innocence roared
Still amazes
It's still here
But in different places..

Love her dress lol


Socrates, thanks for your help!!!

In ancient Greece (469 - 399 BC) Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom. One day the great philosopher came upon an acquaintance that ran up to him excitedly and said

"Socrates, do you know what I just heard about one of your students?"

"Wait a moment," Socrates replied. "Before you tell me I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Triple Filter Test."

"Triple filter?"

"That's right," Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about my student let's take a moment to filter what you're going to say. The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?"

"No," the man said, "actually I just heard about it and..."

"All right," said Socrates. "So you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my student something good?"

"No, on the contrary..."

"So," Socrates continued, "you want to tell me something bad about him, even though you're not certain it's true?"

The man shrugged, a little embarrassed.

Socrates continued. "You may still pass the test though, because there is a third filter - the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my student going to be useful to me?"

"No, not really"

"Well," concluded Socrates, "if what you want to tell me is neither true nor Good nor even useful, why tell it to me at all?"

The man was defeated and ashamed.

This is the reason Socrates was a great philosopher and held in such high esteem.

Okay, this is nice and very intelligent…but if it’s very tricky and almost impossible, don’t you think? But still I do think that it’s something we should take into consideration before gossiping about someone or something we are not really sure…

Anyway, I found another good way to use this Triple Filter Test as it’s helped me a lot recently.

Some neuroscientist believe that we have thousand of thoughts running through our heads, most of them are just the same ones being recycled, and have no purpose at all. In fact, it might often be the case that we wake up and start the day with some niggly thought that keeps nagging us during the day, and stops us enjoying what we do, or appreciate good things that the day could be offering us, but nothing else...

These niggly thoughts can be about anything, or anyone, they could be real or imagined. We might think that the day we have ahead will be difficult, something we have planned may not succeed, the bus might be late…some co-workers may disagree with our ideas, or don’t like us, or we don’t like them…or we've just have started a new job and don’t like it too much…and the list can go on, and these thoughts can be taken on our lives…they can get bigger and bigger, louder and louder in our heads until we totally forget about the beautiful world going around us…just because we are obsessed with the thoughts!!!

And what’s more, we can’t find the way to switch them off, or get the volume control to turn the noise down, or change the channel to listen something different…

Well let’s use this technique…the T.U.G. technique…very similar to Socrate’s one...hehe

So, it works very similar to the story above…every time we become aware of thoughts that we've had before, which bother us, make you feel irritated or sad, cause we think negatively about a situation or person, STOP and let's ask ourselves these three questions:

Is what I am thinking TRUE? ( and if you answer YES, ask yourself "How do I know it is true?" - we may not know but just assume we know!!)

Is what I am thinking USEFUL? (does it help me clarify something or just confuse me more?)

Do those thoughts make me feel GOOD? (in myself, about myself, about others, about the situation)

If the answer to ANY of the above questions is NO, then think about something else that does make you feel good.

The trick to the technique is to stop ourselves the SECOND we realize about these thoughts, analize them and don’t let them to take control. And of course, sometimes we do have thoughts that keep coming back time and time again – but never let them run away with themselves.

So, let’s keep on TUGging (I don’t even know if this word exists..hehe) at those niggling thoughts, and start choosing the ones we want to have which are true, very useful and make you feel really good…which I know it’s like an Utopia but it really helps…believe me…

For those who don’t know me, I’m a very nervous person…I’m always worried about the present and the future…in my personal and emotional life, and also at work…I can hardly manage not to be worried about other people or things…and that’s not healthy, it is very stressful…and most of times nothing happens…it’s just me and all those ugly thoughts inside my head that confuse me…

Very long but hope it helps you some time!!!


Muse Concert...1 year ago...

Last year i was having such a good time with Robert, Fabi & his brother Irving in Guadalajara, MUSE was giving a concert, well actually it was one day before, July 18th, but we stayed there till the next day.

Fabi, Robert & Irving

This was my second concert with Robert and Irving, one year before we'd been to Gwen Stefani's concert in "El Palacio de los Deportes"...something fun about this was that we got very wet in both concerts...hehe

We took the bus to Guadalajara on Tuesday night, we arrived there on Friday morning, we went to this amazing hostal called "Las Brujas"...had a shower and then we went to Muse's authograph signing at the "Centro Magno", in Mixup...we couldn't get a signature cause we arrived late and they we just allowed to give 130 signatures, and there were lots of fans...we asked a guy from Toluca to sign Irving's CD, at least we could get that!! That day it rained too...but as it was hot, we didn't care...i just remember having drunk like a litre of beer, it was so delicious...very cold...

Irish pub in Guadalajara...

After that we went to "Telmex" stadium cause the concert was about to start, we lined up and again...it rained cats & dogs, i alwasy carry my umbrella, and that day was not an exception...but it was very small so Fabi and me were able to cover a bit...then we got in...bought some coffee and t-shirts...i bought Juan a green t-shirt, it's the only one he uses..he really likes it and it suits him very well =)....

Anyway, the concert was amazing...one of the best places i've ever been to...Mattew has such a great voice, so cute and handsome...Chris has a great buttom...i have to say...hehehe...and Irving looks like Dominic...they all are fantastic...nice musicians...very cute!!!

the concert was about to start

In the concert...

The only thing i didn't like about the concert was that it lasted just one hour...so unfair..but at least i met them...

The next day we went to Zapopan, we took the "turibus" wish is a bus that is open on the second floor and takes you to look around the city...but we got some bad news and had to return...

A fat mariachi....in Zapopan

Anyway, it was worth just to see Muse playing...i don't like Mattew...i mean, physically, but he's great at playing the guitar and singing...

Now Muse is working on their new album...can't wait to hear it...


Three girls...

Almost two years ago, we started writing our story...

At first it was just for fun, then i needed someone to guide me and there she was..."G"...more experienced and good listener...always trying to make me feel good...to support me...

"Y" was just a little girl, she's grown and matured a lot since we've met...she used to be our little girl...not any more...
So there we are...three girls...three friends who like spending time together...& this is one of the best moments we've shared...

**Last Friday we went to the cinema with Robert, we saw "The Proposal", nice movie, made me laugh a lot...i hadn't smiled and laughed as much as that day!!!

After that, Robert had to go home cause he had to work the next day, and we went to buy some groceries to cook breakfast...and of course, we got some grape juice for our traditional Vodka...hehe

We got to Y's house, and got ready to start the party...no, wait...it wasn't a party...we just updated with all that had happened to us very recently...then we started singing!! I began with a song called "Perfume de Gardenias"...i love that song...beautiful song, nice rythm...i just love it...i sang with Alejandro Fernandez, i'm not a fan but he's okay...

The best part of the night was when we were dancing..."Burundanga", "Techno Cumbia", some bachata...among others...it was fun!!

And then...i was very sleepy, it was 4 o'clock in the morning and i hadn't had much sleep that week, i was tired and the next day i had to wake up early as my brother was playing at Potros and it was gonna be the only game i could go (i didn't go to school, by the way)...The next morning, we can hardly woke up, i was thirsty...my first hangover even though i didn't get drunk!!!

Anyway, everything was worth, this Friday i'm seeing them again and then we rest for two weeks as Y is going home for some holiday...and then i get a week off in August and hope i can go away for some days to "el bosque" with Robert...i've been thinking a lot about it and i'd prefer going there than Guadalajara...but if we can go both places, it'd be also great!!!

note 1: My bro's team lost today...good luck for my cousin who's playing 2morro...
note 2: 2day was my last class with Rafael, such an excellent teacher...learnt a lot.
note 3: loved the blouse Robert bought for his mum's b-day.
note 4: my shoes hurt me...poor me!!
note 5: started watching the 2nd season of "pushing daisies"...
note 6: a party next to my house...i won't have to much sleep 2night...
note 7: last but not least, i got my first comment, thanx Mattew 4 the post & the advice, hadn't told anything cause it's not that good yet...just starting...but it's fun...hope to see you soon


"Success"...a thought for everyone...


Ralph Waldo Emerson

To laugh often and much;
to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others;
to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or redeemed social condition;
to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

This is to have succceeded.

It's been hard lately, but I think i'm on my way out of this situations...and considering what Ralph said regarding SUCCESS, then i might be on the right way...

Besides, time is a great healer, right? Or at least, that's what they say.

Anyway, this week was very good, full of work... doing something diferent always helps, it keeps your mind busy and away from all the thoughts that sometimes run away with themselves and get the better of us...

So that's what i did, i tried not not think about my worries, about the things that upset me, and makes me sad...

My bro is playing at Guadalajara this weekend, it's a shame i couldn't go with them... that makes me remember that "Cirque du Solei" is going to be in Guadalajara, I gotta tell my friend if he'd like to go...it'd be great to go there and visit some places we couldn't visit the first time we were there.

Finally, i think it's gonna be very difficult to hang out with Juan next time he'll be here, cause all big bosses will be here as well...but as i said before...i'm gonna try not to worry before that time comes...just seeing him one more time is gonna be amazing...


Give me a HUG!!!



And now they say we need a VISA to visit Canada!!!!!!
Hope it's easier than getting the american VISA...
i still have 5 more months to do the paperwork...

On the other hand, my b-friend Jang Dong Gun is about to release his new movie called Laundry Warrior...he'll be so famous now that he's got his first movie in Hollywood...oh so CUTE!!! Well, not as cute as my Juanito :D

And then...the trilogy of books written by Isabel Allende -"Las memorias del Águila y el Jaguar"-will be on the screen soon...the first time i'll have read the books before watching the film...hope they fin good actors for both Alezander and Nadia... CAn't wait to see the three amazong stories...you'll love them as well...

and i'd forgotten...

that life is so beautiful...

that i have thousand of dreams to make come true...

that i can laugh at the most silly things...

that i have my friends who stand by me everytime i need them...

that i have lots of sisters and brothers to argue...talk...hate...love...

that i have both my parents...to tell me off...to love me...

that i do have him...far but still mine...

that i have a wonderful job...where i've met lots of interesting and nice people...

that i'm alive...and that's all that matters...


to Juan...

Happy Birthday to you!!!

Happy Birthday dear Juan, happy birthday to you!!!

Lots of love & hugs & kisses....




Happy anniversary to ME!!!

Haha… Si, feliz primer aniversario…hace un mes comencé este blog como una forma de desahogo, y me ha servido de mucho, no se imaginan cuantas veces he cambiado el diseño del mismo!!! Es grandioso como puedes perder tanto tiempo con una cosa como ésta..haha...divertido...

Mi primer post fue el 9 de julio y espero seguir escribiendo por mucho tiempo...

De mi para mi....feliz primer mes en blogger!!!

So far, this has been a good therapy, writing stupid things and nonsense...haha...

Don’t know how many people read it or if there is anyone who even read it,
but still doing my best!!!



Y ahora en español...

Y esque es taann complicado pensar en español y escribir en inglés...de cierta manera te limita. En fin, éste es mi primer post en español, después de que hace casi un mes empece con todo esto, y el diseño y todo está en inglés...

El día de ayer y hoy han sido buenos, menos preocupaciones, más risas y sonrisas, menos temor a estar sola, más cómoda con la realidad y esperando que el futuro sea aun mejor. La relación con mi jefe argentino, Diego, es mucho mejor, y creo que eso se debe a que me siento más segura de lo que hago en el trabajo, ahora manejo mejor la situación y principalmente SÉ que es lo que debo hacer...

También estoy contenta porque mi Juanito me llamó ayer por la mañana, después de haber pasado por un fin lleno de estrés y depresión...mmmm???....no, esperen!! No todo fue depresión, también me reuní con mis amigas de la prepa, lo cual me llenó de alegría!!!

Por otra parte, tengo excelentes noticias, podré tomar mis vacaciones para diciembre, ahora sólo falta que mi Juanito me de luz verde para poder quedarme en la casi de mi suegris..jajaja..claro!!! Mi suegris?? Nisiquiera sabe si existo!! Pero está bien...creo que no le gustará saber que su hijito anda con una mujer mayor que él...jajaja Bueno, es al reves, pero da lo mismo aunque la diferencia de edad no es obvia, en verdad, el sábado lo comprobé ya que Aris,mi amiga, me dijo que Juan parece de 32...me hizo tan feliz!!! Y casi todos le calculan la misma edad!! Así que ya sólo son 7 años de diferencia, lo cual no está tan mal :D cierto??

En verdad, no miento, me siento bien... relajada... con ganas de VOLAR....


Starfish Story

A man was sitting in his small cabin by the beach writing, and he noticed a person in the distance apparently 'dancing' on the sand, going from the shore to the beach and back several times. He watched for a few days wondering what was happening, and then his curiosity got the better of him and he decided to go and find out.

As he approached the dancing figure, he saw hundreds of starfish which had been washed up on the beach by the tide. He then saw the dancing figure picking up a starfish, going to the shore and puting the starfish back in the sea. And this happened many times as the man got nearer.

When they eventually talked, the man said that it would be impossible to clear the beach of all of the starfish - there were just so many. The 'dancer' made no reply, but simply picked up another starfish and put it back in the sea and then came back and said:"well, made a difference to that one!"

How often do we think that we can't make a big difference in the world, but we actually can! It might be something very small, but believe me, small details make a BIG difference.

It could be just by calling your friends and saying how much you appreciate their friendship, smiling at someone, helping someone, listening to someone,
letting someone cry on your shoulder...

it doesn't have to be BIG but done with with a good heart...


who said it was easy???

Life is hard, we all know that. It's not easy, we never get what we want. It seems to be some kind of rule, but still we have to find the best way to deal with all these.

“You have changed a lot, you matured a lot since last time I saw you”

These are some words my friend Ale told me during out last dinner.

I hadn’t seen her for a while, so she might have noticed how much I've grown, I know it, now I’m more self-confident, but still have the same problem!! But I think it's time for me to move on…

Last weekend was a bit strange, feel bad for my friend who lost his job, but I'm much better now.

Something that helped me a lot was going shopping ( never fails!…I'm not sure it's that how you say it in English!!) and seeing my friends from High School.

Arisbel,I hadn't seen her for 7 years!! Too much time, she's still the same, hahaha I laughed a lot when we were talking!!

Bere looks so good, much better, having lost her baby hurt her so much…but she's fine now.

And Adriana didn't attend our meeting, I wanted to meet her babies so bad…but that's okay, there are gonna be more opportunities (HOPE SO)

As I said, I went shopping, bought a yellow and red sweater, so cute!!

I know I have to save money, but I might not go anywhere, Juan hasn't told me if I can go to Canada, and it’s too much money. I’ll have enough by the time Juan is here, enough to spend with him, in case Bob really send him;if not, then I’ll buy lots of clothes and go to Sushi Ito with Robert.

It’s about time to go home and rest….

And forget some things… and calm down...


Those sweet words....

All your love
Is a lost balloon´
Rising up through the afternoon
'Til it could fit on the head of a pin
Come on in
Did you have a hard time sleeping
'Cause a heavy moon was keeping me awake
And all I know is I'm just glad to see you again
See my love
Like a lost balloon
Rising up through the afternoon
And then you appear
What did you say
I know you were singing
My ears won't stop ringing
Long enough to hear
Those sweet words
And your simple melody


plans for tomorrow

sooo tired again, lots of paper work to do...tomorrow’s shipment day. i think everything is ready so i’m not worried at all.

i got some good news from Juan last monday, happy you liked the cigarettes and t-shirt!

i’m not gonna say what the news are cause i don’t wanna ruin it or bring bad luck to this :D

anyway, tomorrow i’m meeting my friends Yaha and Gise, well it’s not sure yet but we are planning to stay over Yaha’s place. i wanna go to a coffee shop, I’d like to go to TANTRA, the place we went last week, the atmosphere is so great!! But let’s wait and see what happens.

i was just talking to my friend Robert, i’m seeing him on Friday, maybe we’re having a beer or some cocktail, I love Margaritas which is my favorite beverage.

i love going to coffee shops, cause they are good places to have a good talk with my friends, i particularly like The Italian Coffee Company as it brings wonderful memories…i used to meet Juan there, when i wasn’t working for MIMI yet.

okay, i think it’s time to go home and get ready in case i’m staying over my friend’s house.