
Two Weeks

Last two weeks were full of work, adventures, happiness, tiredness, excitement, expectations...

The first day I saw him again was weird, really weird, as nobody knows we are dating we had no way to talk to each other, just look at each other through my office window.

On the first week we had an audit, everything went really well & we got a new contract with a big Tobacco Company!! This is good news, MIMI is growing faster than we expected!! That's why I've been very busy lately, and I'll be for the rest of the year, but it's okay, now I started liking my job even though there are lots of things I miss of CILC.

Then, last weekend Juan and I got away from Abner, who's my other boss! We went to Taxco, a magic small town in Mexico. Abner doesn't know about us, so Juan said he was going by himself!! We spent a night there, everything was so perfect, I never had a experience like this... Walk, hold hands, kiss on the middle of the main square, go into the church together...have dinner, have breakfast together!!!
It was just amazing, nice to hear him saying I was his wife!!! That was really cool!!

But today everything finished!! He left at 10.00 am and went to the airport...at least this time I didn't cry, that's because I know he's coming back next week, and then in October!!
Well, that's what happened in my life during the last two weeks, now everything is back to normal except for all the work I have right now!!!!


Mafalda said...

porque escribes enb ingles?

Me da gusto que te hayas divertido en tus vacaciones.. y que chido que las hayas compartido con quien amas.. espero que vuelva pronto..Un beso.

dal said...

Gracias Zully por los buenos deseos, creo que eres la segunda persona que deja un comentario en mi blog..jeje...

Y la respuesta a por qué escribo en inglés..mmm..no sé, tal vez porque a veces me es más fácil expresarme de ese modo, sin tantas muletillas (aunque eso se usa más bien a la hora de hablar) y bueno, porque estudie 5 años inglés para docencia y traducción, y me encanta!!

Trataré de escribir algo en español...

Saludos y gracias por la visita!!!