Para todos aquellos que me leen y me conoces, y también para aquellos que no pero que aun así me siguen, quisiera compartir lo siguiente:
Tengo una hermana que es enfermera, este fin de semana estuvo trabajando en el área de urgencias del Hospital Adolfo López Mateos de la cd. de Toluca... Cuando llego a casa, insistivamente nos pidió que tratáramos de usar el cubre-bocas por lo menos para andar en el camión. La razón? Se ha presentado un incremento en los casos de Influenza Humana...
Se los comento pues muchos, allá afuera, creen que fue un invento del gobierno para hacer alguna movida chueca, pero no, esta sucediendo y por lo menos en el estado de México se están previniendo las autoridades del sector salud para tratar a los cientos de infectados que se espera habrá para la época de invierno...
Les comparto esto, no para alarmarnos, sino para tomar las medidas necesarias para evitar contagios... pasen la voz... sin alarmar... sólo para tomar precauciones... Ya saben, usar tapabocas por lo menos en lugares demasiado conglomerados, lavarse las manos frecuentemente; si están enfermos de gripa, quedense en casa a reposar, si estornudan o tosen, por favor, cubran su boca con un pañuelo o con parte de su ropa...
Por la salud de todos, hay que seguir con estos hábitos... Antes de que sea mayor el contagio.
Tengo una hermana que es enfermera, este fin de semana estuvo trabajando en el área de urgencias del Hospital Adolfo López Mateos de la cd. de Toluca... Cuando llego a casa, insistivamente nos pidió que tratáramos de usar el cubre-bocas por lo menos para andar en el camión. La razón? Se ha presentado un incremento en los casos de Influenza Humana...
Se los comento pues muchos, allá afuera, creen que fue un invento del gobierno para hacer alguna movida chueca, pero no, esta sucediendo y por lo menos en el estado de México se están previniendo las autoridades del sector salud para tratar a los cientos de infectados que se espera habrá para la época de invierno...
Les comparto esto, no para alarmarnos, sino para tomar las medidas necesarias para evitar contagios... pasen la voz... sin alarmar... sólo para tomar precauciones... Ya saben, usar tapabocas por lo menos en lugares demasiado conglomerados, lavarse las manos frecuentemente; si están enfermos de gripa, quedense en casa a reposar, si estornudan o tosen, por favor, cubran su boca con un pañuelo o con parte de su ropa...
Por la salud de todos, hay que seguir con estos hábitos... Antes de que sea mayor el contagio.
SEX is...
LOVE isn't...
"Jamie Harris is a neurotic, bright 25-year-old with a career naming peculiar consumer products. Though she gives them their identities, she's rather confused about her own. After dating a string of jerks, she's bewildered about whom to trust or how to find true intimacy. When two seemingly honorable men orbit around her, Jamie must confront what she is most afraid of"
Hummm....nice movie....I've seen it many times...
I guess I'll watch it this wkn as I have nothing better to do...
I guess I'll watch it this wkn as I have nothing better to do...
It's been...
a really weird day.
First, I had a dream with a group of great guys I had the pleasure to meet about two years ago, at different time: Beto, Rojo, Mattew, Julian... Well, the dream was good as we all were back at school, all sitting at the café; but it was also weird as I never had a lunch with all of them together. We did use to hang out when I was at CILC and all of them arrived and got ready for their classes, but that was it. I only had lunch and breakfast with Beto and Mattew... That's some of the things I really missed.
Then, when I arrived at work and opened my email, I saw a message from him...after so many months, not too many words, he just said hi and asked how I was...he thinks I'm mad at him, but I'm not...I just decided not to talk to him or call or write as he never does it either!! I answered back, just saying I am NOT mad and that I'm happy with my new job (which is half true hehe)
After that, I got a message from Juan, he just told me Bob (our big boss) wants to make him supervisor in Mexico for a year...and he was asking me for permission!! Of course, I'll let him come down, es de lo que pido mi limosna hahaha... And then he called at the plant, but I was a bit busy so I couldn't talk to him...
So many things...yesterday I saw one of my best friends, she just got separated, she might be pregnant also...but she seems to be okay... She and her husband used to argue a lot, about silly things, but he always ended up kicking her out their house and that's what my friend couldn't stand anymore. So she moved out. She was telling me that, somehow, she knows that Pepe doesn't love her anymore, that he was with her just because of the routine, and she doesn't want that... After hearing that, I advised her to do what she thinks is the best, cause I do believe that you cannot be with someone who does not love you back, and at the end, she'll be much better by her own... Hope she stays calm...
Finally, tomorrow is Yaha's birthday, well it was last Tuesday, but we'll celebrate till tomorrow...something very simple...just Japanese food, and Vodka...Gise, maybe Robert...and Gise's boyfriend!!
Hummmmm....What really made me think a lot was his email, hope he's fine...I think I still have some felling for him...I gotta admit it, but it's different now, cause Juan is everything for me...but it's hard to forget someone who was your first love, who meant a lot to you... Anyway, I'm not expecting anything else from him, i'm not even expecting to see him again... I don't want to... everything is better without him... It's been more than a year since I last saw him...good times though...
First, I had a dream with a group of great guys I had the pleasure to meet about two years ago, at different time: Beto, Rojo, Mattew, Julian... Well, the dream was good as we all were back at school, all sitting at the café; but it was also weird as I never had a lunch with all of them together. We did use to hang out when I was at CILC and all of them arrived and got ready for their classes, but that was it. I only had lunch and breakfast with Beto and Mattew... That's some of the things I really missed.
Then, when I arrived at work and opened my email, I saw a message from him...after so many months, not too many words, he just said hi and asked how I was...he thinks I'm mad at him, but I'm not...I just decided not to talk to him or call or write as he never does it either!! I answered back, just saying I am NOT mad and that I'm happy with my new job (which is half true hehe)
After that, I got a message from Juan, he just told me Bob (our big boss) wants to make him supervisor in Mexico for a year...and he was asking me for permission!! Of course, I'll let him come down, es de lo que pido mi limosna hahaha... And then he called at the plant, but I was a bit busy so I couldn't talk to him...
So many things...yesterday I saw one of my best friends, she just got separated, she might be pregnant also...but she seems to be okay... She and her husband used to argue a lot, about silly things, but he always ended up kicking her out their house and that's what my friend couldn't stand anymore. So she moved out. She was telling me that, somehow, she knows that Pepe doesn't love her anymore, that he was with her just because of the routine, and she doesn't want that... After hearing that, I advised her to do what she thinks is the best, cause I do believe that you cannot be with someone who does not love you back, and at the end, she'll be much better by her own... Hope she stays calm...
Finally, tomorrow is Yaha's birthday, well it was last Tuesday, but we'll celebrate till tomorrow...something very simple...just Japanese food, and Vodka...Gise, maybe Robert...and Gise's boyfriend!!
Hummmmm....What really made me think a lot was his email, hope he's fine...I think I still have some felling for him...I gotta admit it, but it's different now, cause Juan is everything for me...but it's hard to forget someone who was your first love, who meant a lot to you... Anyway, I'm not expecting anything else from him, i'm not even expecting to see him again... I don't want to... everything is better without him... It's been more than a year since I last saw him...good times though...
It happened on September 19th, 1985
One more year...
Today, 24 years ago, Mexico suffered one of the worst tragedies in our history. A magnitude 8.1 earthquake struck Mexico city on 19 September 1985 at 7:19 local time, caused the deaths of about 10,000 people and serious damage in the city. The complete seismic event consisted of four quakes. The main and most powerful shock occurred 19 September, followed by two aftershocks.
The amount of people who died is not certain, some say it was about 2 or 3 thousand, but I consider that the number was even bigger...
Some were sleeping, others already at work...some walking on the streets when this horrible earthquake surprised them ...The earthquake had long-term consequences in everybody lives, especially of those who unfortunately were injured, lost their families or relatives & their houses.
But one more time, Mexican showed that we can be together, supporting each other no matter how difficult the situation is...
I was only one year, but my sisters told me it was really shocking to see what was happening in Mexico city on the TV.
As many other dates, this is one we will never forget!!

Today, 24 years ago, Mexico suffered one of the worst tragedies in our history. A magnitude 8.1 earthquake struck Mexico city on 19 September 1985 at 7:19 local time, caused the deaths of about 10,000 people and serious damage in the city. The complete seismic event consisted of four quakes. The main and most powerful shock occurred 19 September, followed by two aftershocks.
The amount of people who died is not certain, some say it was about 2 or 3 thousand, but I consider that the number was even bigger...
Some were sleeping, others already at work...some walking on the streets when this horrible earthquake surprised them ...The earthquake had long-term consequences in everybody lives, especially of those who unfortunately were injured, lost their families or relatives & their houses.
But one more time, Mexican showed that we can be together, supporting each other no matter how difficult the situation is...
I was only one year, but my sisters told me it was really shocking to see what was happening in Mexico city on the TV.
As many other dates, this is one we will never forget!!

Hace cuanto tiempo que no te veía?
Hace cuanto que no sentía tus brazos...que no olía tu aroma??
Tu cabello negro, tu gorra de color, tus ojos rasgados
y esa manera de abrazarme que me hace temblar.
De cierta manera te había olvidado,
como olvido la cena de todos los días,
como olvido las horas durante el trabajo...
Cuando volví en sí, frente a ti,
tu sonrisa perfecta, tu mirada,
y esa simpatía que me enamoro de ti...
Bad day...
Last two weeks were amazing, love sharing some time with mi Juanito; but yesterday was not a good day. Well, for me it was a bit sad as it was the last day I was spending with him... but when I got home I found out that my two cousins, who were living with us for almost 13 years, left the house!!! It's been hard for my mom as we don't know anything about them. Alfredo and Erick, 19 and 17 years old each, left the house... They are both grown-ups but we know what's happening in Mexico now, all the insecurity out there... They know how to work but still, we are sooo worried!!
I just hope they are okay, whenever they are.
And also, wish Juan has a good flight and gets home save & sound!!
Hard day!!!
I just hope they are okay, whenever they are.
And also, wish Juan has a good flight and gets home save & sound!!
Hard day!!!
Viva México...
Ahora si que no he tenido tiempo de escribir...nada...pero tengo una muy buena justificación!! Si, Juanito sigue aquí, así que he tratado de pasar mucho tiempo con él...aunque se va este jueves...pero al parecer quieren dejarlo como supervisor en México, por lo menos durante 6 meses...aun no le he comentado a nadie, pues no es seguro, pero si me emociona!!
Bueno, tengo aun mucho trabajo que hacer antes de partir a casa...así que me voy, pero antes...
Disfruten los festejos de nuestra Independencia, no beban demasiado alcohol y si es así, no manejen!!
Cuidense mucho y VIVA MÉXICO
Quick little note before this weekend
Well I just want to say that I'm very happy now, because not only Juan is here, but also I feel good & frustrated with my job, but it's okay, i'm getting used to all this stuff...and i enjoy the little time i usually spend with my friends Robert, Yaha, Gise & Bere!!! And my big family, my brother, my sisters and my parents...
And...I was thinking, lately, of all the time i wasted...waitin' for him, there, at the same place, beggin' for something i can get by my own means...beggin' for something that someone else could give me...and here i am, with someone i never imagine to be with, cause he's different...but still the best for me...i know he won't be here all the time, but i do know he cares about me and that's all that matters...that's all that will ever matter!!
Once, at University, i heard a phrase "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with", but that it's just so unfair...so try to be with someone you love and who also loves you back!!
Have an excellent weekend!!!
And...I was thinking, lately, of all the time i wasted...waitin' for him, there, at the same place, beggin' for something i can get by my own means...beggin' for something that someone else could give me...and here i am, with someone i never imagine to be with, cause he's different...but still the best for me...i know he won't be here all the time, but i do know he cares about me and that's all that matters...that's all that will ever matter!!
Once, at University, i heard a phrase "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with", but that it's just so unfair...so try to be with someone you love and who also loves you back!!
Have an excellent weekend!!!
No lo había pensado?
Bueno, en realidad si...
Hoy por la mañana, al revisar mi blog, después de pasar un fin de semana extrañando a Juan y disfrutando de todos los quehaceres que tengo que realizar en casa; me sorprendio ver un comentario de Zully, quien por cierto, tiene un blog excelente, con crónicas super divertidas y de grandes enseñanzas...bueno, pues Zully me preguntó el por qué escribo en Inglés...
Mmm, buena pregunta!!
Al principio lo hice porque quería narrar lo que me pasaba todos los días y que de esta forma Juan supiera que onda con mi vida cuando él no está! Pero creo que a él no se le da mucho esto de la tecnología, y pues casi no lo ve, más bien, nunca lo ve..jaja
Y bueno, después porque estudié 5 años en la Facultad de Lenguas trabajé casí 4 años como profesora de inglés; y ahora sirvo de traductora-interprete-agente de compras-recursos humanos- en una empresa Canadiense...y pues de cierta manera he dejado de practicar mi inglés...no ultimamente, ya que las visitas constantes de nuestros jefes me ayudan mucho...
En fin, me dio gusto saber que alguien, aparte de Mattew, ha dejado un comentario en mi blog...
Por cierto, debo decirles que Juan regreso hoy...jaja...con cara de angustia...cansado pues sólo pudo estar en Canada por dos días...enojado porque según él me escribió el viernes y ayer...pero no recibí nada...lo juro :( Creo que sólo se quedará esta semana, con Abner mi otro jefe, y luego se irá, no podremos salir, pero verlo todos los días y cruzar algunas palabras es suficiente para ambos...
Two Weeks
Last two weeks were full of work, adventures, happiness, tiredness, excitement, expectations...
The first day I saw him again was weird, really weird, as nobody knows we are dating we had no way to talk to each other, just look at each other through my office window.
On the first week we had an audit, everything went really well & we got a new contract with a big Tobacco Company!! This is good news, MIMI is growing faster than we expected!! That's why I've been very busy lately, and I'll be for the rest of the year, but it's okay, now I started liking my job even though there are lots of things I miss of CILC.
Then, last weekend Juan and I got away from Abner, who's my other boss! We went to Taxco, a magic small town in Mexico. Abner doesn't know about us, so Juan said he was going by himself!! We spent a night there, everything was so perfect, I never had a experience like this... Walk, hold hands, kiss on the middle of the main square, go into the church together...have dinner, have breakfast together!!!
It was just amazing, nice to hear him saying I was his wife!!! That was really cool!!
But today everything finished!! He left at 10.00 am and went to the airport...at least this time I didn't cry, that's because I know he's coming back next week, and then in October!!
Well, that's what happened in my life during the last two weeks, now everything is back to normal except for all the work I have right now!!!!
The first day I saw him again was weird, really weird, as nobody knows we are dating we had no way to talk to each other, just look at each other through my office window.
On the first week we had an audit, everything went really well & we got a new contract with a big Tobacco Company!! This is good news, MIMI is growing faster than we expected!! That's why I've been very busy lately, and I'll be for the rest of the year, but it's okay, now I started liking my job even though there are lots of things I miss of CILC.
Then, last weekend Juan and I got away from Abner, who's my other boss! We went to Taxco, a magic small town in Mexico. Abner doesn't know about us, so Juan said he was going by himself!! We spent a night there, everything was so perfect, I never had a experience like this... Walk, hold hands, kiss on the middle of the main square, go into the church together...have dinner, have breakfast together!!!
It was just amazing, nice to hear him saying I was his wife!!! That was really cool!!
But today everything finished!! He left at 10.00 am and went to the airport...at least this time I didn't cry, that's because I know he's coming back next week, and then in October!!
Well, that's what happened in my life during the last two weeks, now everything is back to normal except for all the work I have right now!!!!
Sooo many things...
have happened since two weeks ago...
I'll try to tell you later when everything calms down...now...everything is still too busy...
I'm too confused to tell...
But only one thing is true...last weekend was amazing!!!
I'll try to tell you later when everything calms down...now...everything is still too busy...
I'm too confused to tell...
But only one thing is true...last weekend was amazing!!!
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