

it's time to close the door i was just keeping open for you...

it's time to turn to the next page of my own story...

it's time to leave you behind...

it's time to let you go...

it's time to close the door i was keeping open for you &

open a new one ...

i don't want anything more than to see your face when i open the door...

my heart is already beating...tomorrow is the day...after almost ten months...i'm really grateful 'coz God brought you here one more time...




Being apart and lonely is like rain.

It climbs towards evening from the ocean plains;

from flat places, rolling and remote,

it climbs to heaven, which is its old abode.

And only when leaving heaven drops upon the city.

It rains down on us in those twittering hours

when the streets turn their faces to the dawn,

and when two bodies who have found nothing,

dissapointed and depressed, roll over;

and when two people who despise eachother

have to sleep together in one bed-

that is when loneliness receives the rivers...

Rainer Maria Rilke


Simpatía por el diablo

El infierno es un invento ancestral utilizado para darle de comer a los sacerdotes o a los psiquiatras. El demonio existe, claro que existe, pero es un pobre mediocre que no hace otra cosa que tratar de integrarse a los humanos.

Desde el más humilde barrendero, el periodista, el maestro de primaria, los empresarios, los rectores del chingo de universidades que lamen la superficie capitalina, las estrellas de cine y televisión, el ama de casa que se lleva las manos del vientre por la enorme soledad, los amantes que miran a la luna como cómplice de desprecios, los secretarios de las secretarías que secretan sarcasmos, les damos color a las variantes del miedo...

Todos Santos por Jesús Humberto Florencia

Muerte y Vida de Gustav Klimt


¿Me recuerdas?

¿En algún momento del día me recuerdas?

¿Te paso por la mente...? Mientras sonríes como yo lo hago en las noches, en las que no me queda nada más que tu recuerdo
en mi memoria y las ganas atrapadas en el pecho.

¿Me recuerdas?
Mientras pasa el día e imagino verte caminar...

¿Me recuerdas?
Mientras hablas con ellos que fingen, o no, escuchar lo que dices,
lo que haces...y sólo observan...

¿Me recuerdas?
Cuando caminas a lado de alguien más, mientras te diriges,
mientras comes, mientras sueñas profundamente...

¿Me recuerdas?
En el momento de abrir la puerta del coche, de abrir los libros,de escuchar, de ser escuchado...Cuando finges recordar o no
a cada persona que te toca escuchar, cuando las vez a los ojos...

Te observo caminar, hablar, platicar, sonreir...

Me pierdo en tu recuerdo, imaginando cada uno de tus movimientos
y deseando en realidad sentir siempre tus manos acariciando mi espalda...

Quisiera ver esa sonrisa siempre...

¿Me recuerdas?

Yo si... SIEMPRE... aun sigues en mis sueños...


You dropped the bomb
And now you're gone
I held you dear
You swallowed my fears
And now I've drunk my last beer with you...

Will you ever know...
That bitterness and anger left me long ago
Only sadness remains
And it will pass



my first holiday...

& after 9 months, I'll see Juan again...
I'll finish reading three books I started and never finished...
I'll go out for a run... I'll see old friends...
I'll relax...
I'll think about what and where I wanna go from now on...



Hi, would you ever call me,
someday, or text me...
I miss you and I'm so intrigued,
I don't know anything about you,
you didn't even say goodbye...

I thought maybe you knew the news,
that I'm gonna be there in 2 wks with all big bosses
...so see you....
Anything you want me to bring you
or something..??

Still there

it'd been a long time before i dreamt about him...again...9 or 10 months before...maybe...i don't know!

the thing is that i dreamt about him last Saturday, we were walking, holding hands as we never did, we were laughing, but suddenly we came deep into a crowded street market...we were looking for a place to sit down and had a good talk...it was very foggy, almost dark...lots of people, and i didn't look like me...i was different, wearing a very colorful and long dress...no sweater...
but then, he disappeared, got lost in the dark...

yesterday he signed in, my heart started beating so hard...i didn't talk to him...he didn't talk to me either...it hurts but it's the best thing to do...it's been a year since i last talked and saw him...

Why can't get away from all these memories...???


Don't let me make the same mistake again...

Yes, it's hard to let people go...

Don’t speak to me this way
Don’t ever let me say
Don’t leave me again

I never felt this loss before
And the world is closing doors
I never wanted anything more

Don’t hug me this way
Don’t touch me this way
Don’t hug me again
Don’t hug me this way
Don’t touch me this way
Don’t hug me this again

I never felt this loss before
And the world is closing doors
I never wanted anything more

Don’t let me make the same mistake again
Please, don’t let me make the same mistake again
Don’t let me make the same mistake again

I never felt this loss before
And the world is closing doors
I never wanted anything more

Please, Don’t let me make the same mistake again....
Don't let me make the same mistake again...

Lyrics by Moby
Song: Mistake
Album: Wait for me


Fragmentos ...

"Te extraño... Pero me pregunto qué exactamente extraño de ti. Extraño tus ojos, tu mirada, esa que tienes cuando me deseas y no estoy del todo accesible...y no estás del todo accesible...

Extraño tus manos, tu tacto seguro, suave y a la vez fuerte...ese con el que me avisas que estás allí, ese con el que me provocas, ese que esconde un lenguaje secreto que sólo tu y yo sabemos. Ese que me toca cada centìmetro de piel con tal dedicación que siento que me conoce mejor que yo, porque sabe acariciarme con sutileza en la espalda y con calentura en los pezones... Amo esa imagen: tus dedos grandes, suavez, perfectos presionando con las yemas mis pezones erectos...

Extraño tu boca bien formada, tus labios gruesos y tibios, tus besos cálidos, húmedos, excitantes... Extraño tus labios deslizándose por mi cuello, en medio de mis senos, en mi vientre, en mis muslos...por esos lugares que te desean y te añoran, y que no están completos si no estás aquí.

Extraño tanto tu voz...tus palabras de amor..."te amo", "te deseo", "quiero abrazarte"...

Por hoy te he extrañado demasiado...

A lion called Christian...

Yesterday, after doing some exercise & trying to sew a bag by hand, which was a complete failure as i don't know how to do it lol, i sat in front of the TV with my bro who was watching a documentary about two men who raised a lion & called him Christian; some of you might have heard about it... They showed this video which is very touching...

This is the story:

In London, during the 60s, you were allowed to buy an exotic animal. So 2 men named Ace and John bought a lion, who they named Christian. After 8 months or so, the lion was getting too big for their apartment. They took him to Kenya, so that George Adamson could look after him. The 2 men returned after a year, and were told the lion would not remember him. The lion gave a long look at them, then the men called his name. Christian the Lion ran off to them, remembering them.

Cute, isn't it??